Vita Matthias Meinhold
As physicist
- 1971/1972 Enrollment to study physics at the University of Kiel
- 07.09.1979 Diploma in Physics
- 1995 Foundation of a company for information technology, various patents
As medical doctor
- 1978 Enrollment to study medicinat the University of Erlangen
- 07.12.1984 License to practice medicine
- 11.02.1985 Doctorate at the Institute for Forensic Medicine at the University of Erlangen
- 1985-1987 University Clinic Erlangen, Cardiology
- 1987-1988 Nuremberg Clinic, Nephrology
- 1988-1989 Forchheim Hospital, General Surgery, Rescue Service
- 1989-1990 Training in practice for general medicine and naturopathic treatment
- 26.02.1990 Specialist rescue service, more than 4,000 calls in emergency service
- 04.04.1990 Specialist in general medicine
- 22.05.1991 Homeopathy and naturopathic treatments, establishment as a doctor
As medical doctor and physicist
- 2005 Invention of the Tickgripper
- 2009 Foundation of a company for medical technology, various patents
- 2018-2019 Juror at the inventors fair iENA